
Transformational spaces that explore + cultivate wholehearted living


The Quest Program Facilitators

Ade-150x150Ade Adeniji is a certified Coach, Group Facilitator and Organisational Consultant. He is Co-Founder of The Quest for Gay Men, a UK-based social enterprise that delivers personal development programmes and events aimed at transforming the relationships gay men have with themselves, others and the world they inhabit. Ade is also Co-Founder of The Rainbow Intersection, a project aimed at creating a forum to explore and debate the intersections across Race, Culture, Sexuality and Gender Identity.

Ade has over 20 years’ experience in human resources and personal development, spanning the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He was Human Resources Director with Liberty Global Europe, a digital media company, with responsibility for the UK, Netherlands, Spain and Central Europe. Prior to that, he was Head of Human Resources with Guardian News and Media Ltd. He held other HR roles with ITV, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Cabinet Office and the Government Legal Service. Past clients as an independent practitioner include National Health Service, Lewisham Council, BBC, The Economist, Phillips, Terrence Higgins Trust, NAZ Project London, and School of Social Entrepreneurs.

Ade holds a Law degree; in addition he has an MSc in Human Resources, a Diploma in Group Facilitation, Counseling Skills and Conflict Resolution, and a Certificate in Coaching Skills. He is a qualified Workplace Mediator and NLP practitioner. He is also a Certified The Daring Way™ Facilitator – Candidate (based on the research of Brené Brown). He is a graduate of The Hoffman Process and an ordained Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counsellor.

As a practitioner Ade adopts a holistic approach to all aspects of his practice, this involves working with individuals, teams and organisations to delve beneath the surface to cultivate conscious choices, discover fresh possibilities, and integrate the insights.

Ade is a member of the International Federation of Coaching (ICF), UK Association for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners (UKAHPP) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).


Darren BradyDarren Brady is a certified The Daring Way™ Facilitator–Candidate. As a certified co-active coach, a certified Stanford University group facilitator and creative director, Darren brings a strong therapeutic element to the work he undertakes investigating the causality of our behaviours and redefining the ways in which we create our daily experience of life.

Darren has created a number of pioneering creative and business projects working in partnership with The BBC and Channel 4. Additionally he has taught adults, teens and children in numerous settings as both a state teacher and community leader. In 1995 Darren founded Outlet, a specialist accommodation service designed to support the LGBT community of London, and more recently the UK. In the past decade he has invested his time, experience and energies in the personal development field.

Having trained with The Coaches Training Institute he set up a private practice working with a wide range of clients — focusing his attention on work with people who are HIV + and he has worked extensively in collaboration with the NHS providing group workshops and 1-2-1 coaching. Alongside Ade, he co-founded The Quest for Gay men developing the methodology and organisational structure that supports gay men to heal from trauma and shame based childhood experiences. He is a fellow of The School for Social Entrepreneurs where he completed a program for new Social Enterprises.

PeterPeter Collins (58),was born and bred in London, he is the father of two children and one grandchild.

His career has primarily been in sales management and operational management, including senior roles in Apple and Europcar as well as several entrepreneurial ventures. Peter’s lifetime commitment to personal development and his experience as a manager and leader led to him becoming a business consultant, executive coach and programme facilitator in recent years.

Peter’s journey through life as a gay man, closeted and underground for many years, has born in him a passion to become the man he always knew himself to be inside, but was almost never able to express outwardly. Now proudly living as a gay man in a loving civil partnership with his soul mate, he feels he’s never been as fulfilled or fundamentally happy.

Through his own journey, and the ongoing challenges and struggles of living authentically in a city, which he still considers to be fundamentally homophobic and intolerant of so many human differences, he has adopted a more activist approach to life. Through his deep Christian faith and The Quest Programme for gay men who seek to live authentic lives, he feels he can finally make a difference in the lives of those around him.
It is Peter’s hope that the combination of his compassion, commitment and drive he can encourage everyone he connects with to become a small step closer to being the person they long to be.

2004 CIPD Certificate in Training Practice
2005 Myers Briggs Type Indicator Certificate
2005 Certificate in Personal Performance Coaching