Quest Wednesdays

The Quest Wednesdays are bi monthly (virtual) gatherings bringing together gay, bi & queer men to pause, connect and have wholehearted conversations. The sessions are facilitated by the Quest team headed by Adé Adéniji & Darren Brady, Founders of The Quest for Gay Men.
Each week a different theme will be the focal point of the gathering. During our time together there will be opportunities to participate in small breakout groups to muse and reflect on the theme and respond to some exploratory questions.
"From the sublime to the ridiculous, I never know what the evening might bring. Hearing other men's stories and experiences, I know I am not alone and I look forward to the sessions."
"Ade and Darren have welcomed me into the group from the start and have created a safe space in which to open up."
"This is a very safe space where I can feel anything can be said without fear of judgment."
"The Quest is an extraordinary space where men come with an open and warm heart to share their experiences and vulnerability. It has allowed me to feel connected, understood and embraced"
"Very welcoming, worthwhile, and great to meet others and listen to people’s views and experiences. An opportunity to listen and talk in a safe welcoming space with other like-minded people."
"Quest Wednesdays are a weekly dose of self-love and a chance to remind myself of the fabulous diversity & openness of GBQ+ Men."
Upcoming Events
Full Calendar of events » (click on each event for more info)Details
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
We gather from 18.50 and start promptly at 7pm.( Participants will not be allowed to join after the group commitments at the beginning of the session have been made.) There will also be the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the facilitated part of the evening.