
Transformational spaces that explore + cultivate wholehearted living


Discipline, energy and ‘walking the talk’.

We have set ourselves a big mission- ” To transform the relationships Gay men have with themselves, others and the world they inhabit.”

How do we make that happen?

We create.

What do we need to create a transformed life personally and a transformed world publicly?

I would suggest the following are critical-
Energy, discipline and ‘walking the talk’.

So, with that in mind, I wanted to share what has been happening with The Quest in the days following our recent weekend workshop.

We have-
Held venue meetings to build our relationship with GMFA
Filmed our first You Tube broadcasts with a crew
Constructed the content for the next WorkOUT with the theme ‘intimacy’
Responded to the wave of communication that emerged from the workshop weekend
Complied and the participant feedback
Pitched and were interviewed for the School for Social Entrepreneurs program
Edited and added content to the Quest website
Sent out invites to the next Quest events
Spoke to graduates on the phone
Had strategic conversations about the Storytelling project, Retreat and Marketing

This has taken discipline.
Early nights, prioritising, effective communication, long days, patience, courage and resilience.

How has your week been?
How is ‘discipline’ in your life?
Are you supported and supporting those around you?
Are you wanting your cake and eating it?

Transformation remains a wonderful intention unless it is backed up with discipline, energy and walking the talk.

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